New Season – New Show at Benidorm Palace

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The letter “Q” is the name of the new show - but what does it make you think of? Q from James Bond, who comes up with all the weapons and gadgets, Queen – as in Her Royal Highness or perhaps the British rock band? Well you´ll be correct on all counts as Artistic Director David Moore at Benidorm Palace told me this week, who I met up ahead of the new show, which will hit the stage at the beginning of May.

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Fantastic 2015 Elvis Weekend in Benidorm

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The fifth Elvis Fest took place in Benidorm this weekend and was once again a great success. The sun shone putting everyone in the mood for some singing and jiving – even Derren Litten, Benidorm series writer and a known Elvis fan was in the audience at the Melia hotel, together with Tony Maudsley and Tim Healy.

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The Benidorm Stylistics - An absolute must see

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The boys are back in town and already causing quite a stir with their adoring fans. Following their appearance on the Benidorm series at the beginning of this year everybody has been waiting for their return. Well they are here – and singing exclusively at the new Stardust, every night at 10pm.

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Benidorm Bike Day

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Embracing the annual Day of the Bike an estimated 450 local residents took part in a special cycle ride yesterday - despite the rather overcast skies, to mark the occasion. The Council is trying to encourage people to get healthy and use more environmentally friendly modes of transport – in fact, even the Mayor got on his bike!

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Benidorm Series 8 out on location

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The cast and crew of the Benidorm series have been out and about on the streets this week, much to the fans delight. On Monday they were filming in front of the Sol Pelicanos hotel – which had been renamed to the Solana for the occasion with a specially made up fascia, although many actually believe that is the real name.

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MABS Cancer Charity Spring Fundraiser

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Cancer will affect one in three – a frightening statistic. For those that live here in Spain, being away from a family support network can add even more stress to an already difficult and worrying situation. But it is thanks to organisations such as MABS, a local cancer support group that many get through that somewhat dark period.

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Invasion of Benidorm for Easter

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The mass influx of holidaymakers yesterday bought roads leading into Benidorm to a virtual standstill. The Levante exit on the AP7 motorway saw some drivers waiting up to an hour on the sliproad to pass through the tollbooths.

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Jellyfish arrive in Benidorm

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The first banks of jellyfish were discovered on the beaches of Benidorm this weekend – Pelagia Nocticula, producing nasty burns simply by brushing past one. Four people had to be treated by the first aiders on the beach – the first of the season.

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New "Chill Out" hotel for Benidorm

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Re-Invention is the key to success and the Marconfort hotel group have certainly achieved that with their latest project. What was previously known as the “Flamingo Playa Benidorm” has just undergone a major year long refurbishment and is now known as Marconfort Essence.

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Noise Map for Benidorm

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Benidorm Town Hall are planning on including a “noise map” on its website! Readings would be obtained and transmitted wirelessly through street metres and sound limiters - which are compulsory within certain types of venues.

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Vila Joyosa - a rainbow of colour

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If you are looking for somewhere else to visit and done Altea already, head out in the opposite direction and try Vila Joyosa. Resembling a Dulux colour chart, you will probably find every colour except white – the total opposite of Altea Old Town. It´s a visual delight and will have you reaching for your camera.

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Benidorm Fallas go up in smoke

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Despite the rather adverse weather conditions, last nights burning of the fallas still took place in Benidorm. However, it wasn´t until the very last few minutes that the “bomberos” gave the thumbs up. Strong winds throughout the day bought uncertainty as to whether it would be too dangerous to go ahead – but thankfully all 3 went up in smoke at the allotted times.

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Fire in Benidorm tonight - "Fallas time"

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If you had an aerial view over the Valencian community at midnight tonight you´d think that there was some kind of forest fire. But no, the beautiful fallas go up in smoke tonight. It must seem bizarre to the Brits to watch these beautifully crafted models, which cost thousands of euros to construct and decorate being burnt.

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International Day success in La Nucia

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On Sunday La Nucia hosted its second International Day at the “Camilo Cano” Sports Centre, which incredibly saw 10,000 people attend throughout the course of the day. The event started at 11am – with a dance group from the Senegalese Association leading the “Parade of Nations” opening ceremony.

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Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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